Doctoral Program in Teaching and Dissemination of Science

  • Vieira, H. (2021). Ensino e aprendizagem da Química por analogia com a Música: um estudo com alunos do ensino artístico especializado de Música [Chemistry teaching and learning by analogy with Music: A study with Arts students specializing in Music]. Doctoral Program in Teaching and Dissemination of Science, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto. Supervision: Professor Carla Susana Lopes Morais (FCUP). PhD dissertation defense on 12 May 2021. Link
  • Costa, I. (2020). Ciência cidadã: envolvimento do público na investigação e divulgação em astronomia [Citizen science: public involvement in astronomy research and communication]. Doctoral Program in Teaching and Dissemination of Science, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto. Supervision: Professor Carla Susana Lopes Morais (FCUP). Co-supervision: Professor Mário João Monteiro (FCUP). PhD dissertation defense on 20 July 2020. Link
  •  Araújo, J. (2020). Desenvolvimento de dinâmicas e estratégias de potenciação pedagógica em projetos de ciência participativa: Um estudo em Química no ensino básico [Development of pedagogical potentiation dynamics and strategies in participatory science projects: a Chemistry study in basic school]. Doctoral Program in Science Education and Communications, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto. Supervision: Professor João Carlos Paiva (FCUP). (Doctoral Fellow of the Foundation for Science and Technology: SFRH/BD/132482/2017). PhD dissertation defense on 9 November 2020. Link

Doctoral Program in Digital Media

  • Morais, E. (2021). Code and Creative Higher Education – Understanding computer programming practices in Portuguese Arts and Design undergraduate courses. Doctoral Program in Digital Media, Universidade do Porto (UT Austin | Portugal). (Doctoral Fellow of the Foundation for Science and Technology: PD/BD/128416/2017). Supervision: Professor Carla Susana Lopes Morais (FCUP). Co-supervision: Professor João Carlos Paiva (FCUP). PhD dissertation defense on 13 July 2021. Link
  • Moreira, L. (2021). The digital media in the Portuguese education: Practices and representations. Doctoral Program in Digital Media, University of Porto. Supervision: Professor João Carlos Paiva (FCUP). (Doctoral Fellow of the UT Austin | Portugal Program: PD/BD/114152/2015). PhD dissertation defense on 23 July 2021. Link

Mixed PhD held in Portugal

  • Pauletti, F. (2018). Pesquisa como princípio pedagógico: concepções e práticas. [Research as pedagogic principle: conceptions and practices]. Supervision: Professor Maurivan Güntzel Ramos. Doctoral Program in Education in Sciences and Mathematics, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS). Link

Doctor’s Degree in Teaching and Dissemination of Science

  • Ferreira, A. (2024 – …). STEAM for all: from representations to storytelling and hands on activities towards gender equality. Doctoral Program in Science Education and Communication, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto. Supervision: Professor Carla Susana Lopes Morais. Co-supervision: PhD. Luciano Moreira, FLUP.
  • André, C. (2024 – …). Abordagem STEM na formação inicial de professores: capacitação e cocriação de atividades laboratoriais para o ensino secundário da Química. Doctoral Program in Science Education and Communication, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto. Supervision: Professor Carla Susana Lopes Morais. Co-supervision: Professor Gildo Girotto Junior, UNICAMP.
  • Saúde, I. (2019 – ). A Química no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico: Das perspetivas dos professores à formação para a prática hands-on com os alunos [Chemistry in the 1st cycle of basic school: From teachers’ perspectives to hands-on practice with students]. Doctoral Program in Science Education and Communication, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto. Supervision: Professor Carla Susana Lopes Morais
  • Vilela, M. (2016 – ). O Inquiry no Ensino Secundário da Química: Redesenhar as abordagens curriculares para a potenciação de competências [The Inquiry in Secondary Chemistry Education: Redesigning curricular approaches to enhance skills]. Doctoral Program in Science Education and Communication, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto. Supervision: Professor Carla Susana Lopes Morais.
  • Quadrado, S. (2021 – ). Formação de professores e recursos digitais em química. Doctoral Program in Science Education and Communication, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto. Supervision: Professor João Carlos Paiva. Co-supervision: Angélica Monteiro.

Doctoral Program in Digital Media

  • Santos, D. (2018 – ). Comunicação de Ciência e Transmedia: Um framework para estreitar a distância entre cientistas e cidadãos [Science Communicaton and Transmedia: A framework to shorten the distance between scientists and citizens]. Doctoral Program in Digital Media, University of Porto (UT Austin | Portugal). (Doctoral Fellow of the Foundation for Science and Technology: SFRH/BD/140521/2018). Supervision: Professor Carla Susana Lopes Morais. Co-supervision: Professor Nelson Zagalo (UA).
  • Monteiro, J. (2015 – ). Narratives of our age: unveiling digital media storytelling for intergenerational interactions and cultural identity preservation. Doctoral Program in Digital Media,  (UT Austin | Portugal). (Doctoral Fellow of the UT Austin | Portugal Program: PD/BD/114139/2015). Supervision: Professor Carla Susana Lopes Morais. Co-Supervision: Professor Miguel Carvalhais (FBAUP).
  • Pereira, E. (on-going). An interactive approach to mobile educational content. Doctoral Program in Digital Media. Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto. Supervision: Professor Bruno Giesteira (FBAUP). Co-Supervision: Professor Luciano Moreira (FEUP).

Other Doctoral Programs

  • Aguiar, T. (2023-). Education for sustainable development – from case studies in schools about best practices to developing a teachers training course. Doctoral Program in Equidade e Innovación en Educación’ at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Supervision: Professor Carla Susana Lopes Morais (FCUP) and Professor Fernando Fraga Varela (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela).
  • Setlik, J. (2024)Contextualização e comunicação da Ciência dos oceanos: uma análise de mídias digitais produzidas por instituições de pesquisa do Brasil e de Portugal.  Funding Instituion: CAPES office within the scope of the Postgraduate Program in Science, Technology and Society (PPGCTS) of Instituto Federal do Paraná (IFPR, campus Paranaguá). Duration: september 2023 until february 2024 (6 months).
  • Farias, S. (2023)Formação de professores de química e competências digitais. Universidade Federal do Amazonas. Duration: september until december 2023 (3 months).
  •  Giroto, G. (2024)Caracterização da formação docente em diferentes cenários formativos com foco no desenvolvimento de competências digitais e na construção de propostas STEAM no Ensino de Química. Funding Institution: Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) and Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Instituto de Química. Duration: september 2023 until august 2024 (12 months)

Master in Multimedia (Education)

  • Gomes, L. (2023). As representações sociais da internet no ensino em Cabo verde: O caso de três escolas secundárias da cidade da Praia. [The social representations of the internet in teaching in Cape Verde: The case of three secondary schools in the city of Praia.]. MSc in Multimedia (Education), University of Porto. Co-Supervisor: Luciano Moreira, PhD (FLUP). Link
  • Cardoso. B. (2022). What we learned from the pandemic: The Social Representations of the Emergency Remote Education.  Supervision: Luciano Moreira. MSc in Multimedia (Education), University of Porto. MSc thesis defense on 22 July 2022. Link
  • Gomes, R. (2021). Ciência Transforma: Um estudo de caso sobre a utilização do Instagram para comunicação de ciência [Science Transforms: A case study on the use of Instagram to communicate science]. MSc in Multimedia (Education), University of Porto. Co-supervision: Luciano Moreira, MSc (FEUP). MSc thesis defense on 22 July 2021. Link
  • Vilaça, P. (2020). Perfis e práticas de integração do multimédia por professores de ciências: Contributos para a construção de um espaço de afinidade [Profiles and practices of multimedia integration for science teachers: Contributions to the construction of an affinity space]. MSc in Multimedia (Education), University of Porto. Co-supervision: Luciano Moreira, MSc (FEUP). MSc thesis defense on 22 July 2020. Link
  • Pereira, L. (2019). Realidade virtual e comunicação de ciência: Uma abordagem baseada no jogo transformativo [Virtual reality and science communication: An approach based on transformative game]. MSc in Multimedia (Education), University of Porto. Co-supervision: Luciano Moreira, MSc (FEUP). MSc thesis defense on 9 October 2019. Link
  • Silva, T. (2019). Second language acquisition and mobile-assisted language learning: Educators’ perspectives on identity and practice. MSc in Multimedia (Education), University of Porto. Co-supervision: Luciano Moreira, MSc (FEUP). MSc thesis defense on 19 July 2019. Link
  • Silva, T. (2019). Second language acquisition and mobile-assisted language learning: Educators’ perspectives on identity and practice. MSc in Multimedia (Education), University of Porto. MSc in Multimedia (Education), University of Porto. Co-supervision: Luciano Moreira, MSc (FEUP). MSc thesis defense on 19 July 2019. Link
  • Simões, R. (2019). O multimédia e a realidade virtual nas práticas de comunicação de ciência em espaços não-formais: Um estudo das representações sociais [Multimedia and virtual reality in science communication practices at non-formal spaces: A study of social representations]. MSc in Multimedia (Education), University of Porto. MSc in Multimedia (Education), University of Porto. Co-supervision: Luciano Moreira, MSc (FEUP). MSc thesis defense on 19 July 2019. Link
  • Carreira, M. (2018). Curadoria digital e novas literacias: um estudo de caso com o Pinterest no Ensino Artístico [Digital advice and new literacies: a case study with Pinterest in Arts Teaching]. MSc in Multimedia (Education), University of Porto. Co-supervision: Luciano Moreira, MSc (FEUP). MSc thesis defense on 19 July 2018. Link
  • Moreira, E. (2018). Ensino online da olaria da roda baixa – um estudo das representações sociais [Online teaching of low-wheel pottery – a study of social representations]. MSc in Multimedia (Education), University of Porto. Co-supervision: Luciano Moreira, MSc (FEUP) and Maria Restivo, MSc (FLUP). MSc thesis defense on 19 July 2018. Link
  • Teixeira, A. (2018). Marine litter: Social representations and persuasion in science communication through infographics. MSc in Multimedia (Education), University of Porto. Co-supervision: Luciano Moreira, MSc (FEUP). MSc thesis defense on 19 July 2018. Link
  • Portela, M. (2018). Representations and the Digital Gap in the Community of Conceição das Crioulas: An Action-Research Approach. [Identidades no vão digital – Autonomia e emancipação na internet; Caso de estudo: A comunidade de Conceição das Crioulas em PE, Brasil]. Master in Multimedia. Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto. Link

Master in Multimedia (Culture and Arts)

  • Melo, M. (2018). As representações sociais dos multimédia nas telenovelas [Social representations of multimedia in Portuguese soap operas]. MSc in Multimedia (Culture and Arts), University of Porto. Co-supervision: Luciano Moreira, MSc (FEUP). MSc thesis defense on 17 July 2018. Link

Master in Science Education and Communication

  • Ferreira, A. (2022). Efeito da divulgação científica na percepção pública sobre a vacinação em tempos de pandemia [Effects of science communication on public perception regarding vaccination during the pandemic]. MSc in Science Education and Communication. Supervision: Maria Strecht de Almeida, Msc. MSc thesis defense on 15 November 2022.

Master in Science Education and Communication

  • Silva (2024). Integração da Química verde na formação de professores para a potenciação da prática letiva. Master in Science Education and Communication
  • Médice, (2024). Apoiando a compreensão das dimensões macro, submicro e representacional do Equilíbrio Químico usando o ChatGPT, simulações e atividades laboratoriais: um estudo com alunos do itinerário formativo integrado, no Brasil. Master in Science Education and Communication
  • Delgado, (2024). Capacitação de professores para a prática laboratorial em Biologia usando material de baixo custo: um estudo exploratório na Cidade da Praia. Master in Science Education and Communication


In Progress

  • Costa, F. (2024). Recursos digitais para a mudança conceptual no estudo da ligação química com alunos do 10.º ano de escolaridade [Digital resources for conceptual change in the study of chemical bonding with 10th graders]. Training report of the MSc in Chemistry and Physics teaching in Middle and Secondary Education, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto.
  • Loureiro, D. (2024). Ensino do equilíbrio químico á luz do tripleto de Johnstone no 11.º ano de escolaridade [Teaching chemical equilibrium in the light of Johnstone’s triplet in the 11th grade]. Training report of the MSc in Chemistry and Physics teaching in Middle and Secondary Education, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto.
  • Sousa, S. (2024). Ensino contextualizado do tema gases e dispersões usando o Chat GPT e plataformas de recolha de dados no 10º ano de escolaridade [Contextualized teaching of gases and dispersions using GPT Chat and data collection platforms in the 10th grade]. Training report of the MSc in Chemistry and Physics teaching in Middle and Secondary Education, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto.
  • Alves, F. (2024). O ensino e a aprendizagem da Tabela Periódica a partir do teatro científico envolvendo alunos do 10.ºano [Teaching and learning the Periodic Table through scientific theater involving 10th graders]. Training report of the MSc in Chemistry and Physics teaching in Middle and Secondary Education, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto.


  • Pereira, P. (2019). Avaliação da aprendizagem dos hidrocarbonetos e outras famílias de compostos orgânicos através da exploração de uma simulação computacional [Evaluation of learning regarding hydrocarbons and other families of organic compounds through the exploration of a computer simulation]. Training report of the MSc in Chemistry and Physics teaching in the 3rd cycle of Primary and Secondary Education, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto. Presentation and defense on 4 July 2019.
  • Bento, C. (2019). “No meio da Química”: Um estudo de caso em contexto com os alunos do 10.º ano [‘In the middle of Chemistry’: A case study in context with 10th-grade students]. Training report of the MSc in Chemistry and Physics teaching in the 3rd cycle of Primary and Secondary Education, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto. Presentation and defense on 4 July 2019.
  • Hahn, M. (2018). Estudo de caso: Determinação da constante de acidez (Ka) de um ácido fraco usando uma simulação computacional [Case study: Determination of the acidity constant (Ka) of a weak acid using computational simulation]. Training report of the MSc in Chemistry and Physics teaching in the 3rd cycle of Primary and Secondary Education, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto. Presentation and defense on 16 July 2018.
  • Freire, M. (2018). A utilização dos mapas de conceitos no estudo das ligações químicas no 9.º de escolaridade [The use of concept maps in the study of chemical bonds in the 9th grade]. Training report of the MSc in Chemistry and Physics teaching in the 3rd cycle of Primary and Secondary Education, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto. Presentation and defense on 16 July 2018