• Gomes, L., Moreira, L., & Morais, C. (2023). As representações sociais da Internet no ensino em Cabo Verde: o caso de três escolas secundárias da cidade da Praia [Social representations of the Internet in education in Cape Verde: the case of three secondary schools in the city of Praia]. I Congresso Internacional: Ciência, Inovação e Desenvolvimento na Lusofonia Universidade Lusófona, Cape Verde, 18-20 October, 2023.
  • Moreira, L., Rosa, M., Morais, C., & Paiva, J. C. (2023). My generation, their generation: The need to heal the social tissue in digital times. XVI Congresso das Representações Sociais – Representações Sociais, Práticas e Desafios em Cenários de Incerteza. Bogota, Colombia, 20-22 September, 2023.
  • Morais, C., Aguiar, T., Schaal, S., & Schaal, S. (2023). Approaches to Sustainability and Transformative Learning – an European Cross-Case Analysis Informing Multi-Stakeholder Design Hubs. ECER 2023European Conference on Educational Research, University of Glasgow, 22 – 25 August, 2023.
  • Araújo, J. L., Morais, C., & Paiva, J. (2023). PVC project – a look at a coastal water monitoring and physicochemical analysis. Chemistry Education Research and Practice – Gordon Research Conference: Coordinating the Production and Consumption of Knowledge on Chemistry Teaching and Learning. Bates College, Lewiston, ME, United States, 9 – 14 July, 2023.
  • Cardoso, B., Moreira, L., & Morais, C. (2023). Emergency Remote Education in the Covid Pandemic: Reflection on the forced and sudden materialization of digital education. Arts and Humanities in Digital Transition 2023, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Instituto de Comunicação, Lisboa, Portugal, 6 – 7 July, 2023.
  • Araújo, J. L., Morais, C., & Paiva, J. (2023). Citizen science in chemistry education: Contributions to teaching practices. American Chemical Society – Spring National Meeting 2023 – ACS Spring 2023 – Division of Chemical Education, Indiana Convention Center – Indianapolis, 26-30 March 2023.
  • Cardoso, B., Moreira, L., & Morais, C. (2023). Theory meets data: Using the Social Representations theory to guide automated data collection and analysis from the social network Twitter. 1st International Conference on Data & Digital Humanities – DDHUM 2023, University of Minho, Portugal, 8-10 March, 2023.



  • Morais, C. (2021). Tecnologias digitais na educação em Ciências: Algumas perspetivas e desafios [Digital technologies in Science education: Some perspectives and challenges]. III Simpósio Internacional e VI Nacional de Tecnologias Digitais na Educação – VI SNTDE 2021 [III International and VI National Symposium on Digital Technologies in Education], Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA), Brazil, 5-15 October 2021.
  • Morais, C. (2021). Museus e centros de ciência: Desafios de comunicação e de avaliação da comunicação de ciência [Museums and science centres: Challenges for communication and evaluation of science communication]. 1.º Simpósio do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação em Ciências e Matemática [1st Symposium of the Post-Graduate Program in Science and Maths Education], Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Brazil, 7-8 October 2021.
  • Morais, C. (2021). Recursos Digitais para o Ensino de Química [Digital resources for Chemistry teaching]. VI Simpósio Mineiro de Ensino de Química [VI Mineiro Symposium on Chemistry Teaching], Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM) and Federal Institute of Triângulo Mineiro, Brazil, 17 June 2021.
  • Costa, I. A., Morais, C., & Monteiro, M. J. (2021). Citizen science: From a scientific technique to a science education and communication method – the CoAstro practical example. Science&You: International Science Communication Conference, 16-19 November 2021.
  • Monteiro, J., Morais, C., & Carvalhais, M. (2021). Educação informal para a manutenção da identidade cultural: Exploração de narrativas intergeracionais de identidade cultural em espaços de afinidade físicos e digitais [Informal education to maintain cultural identity: Exploring intergeneration and cultural identity narratives in physical and digital afinity spaces]. XII Conferência Internacional de TIC na educaçãoChallenges 2021 [XII International Conference on ICT in education – Challenges 2021], University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, 10-17 September 2021.
  • Moreira, L., Paiva, J. C., Morais, C. (2021). A Internet na escola entre a novidade e a atualidade: Representações sociais de órgãos diretivos locais [Internet in school between novelty and the present time: Social representations of local directive boards]. XII Conferência Internacional de TIC na educaçãoChallenges 2021 [XII International Conference on ICT in education – Challenges 2021], University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, 10-17 September 2021.
  • Santos, D., Morais, C., & Zagalo, N. (2021). A química num videojogo de ficção-científica: Descobrir e aprender enquanto se exploram planetas no videojogo No Man’s Sky [Chemistry in a science-fiction videogame: Discovering and learning while exploring planets in the videogame No Man’s Sky]. XII Conferência Internacional de TIC na educaçãoChallenges 2021 [XII International Conference on ICT in education – Challenges 2021], University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, 10-17 September 202.
  • Baptista, M., Freire, S., Martins, I., Morais, C., & Moreira, L. (2021). Reasons associated to the choice of stem careers: Differences between boys and girls. ESERA2021, 14th Biannual Conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA), University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, 30 August-3 September 2021.
  • Costa, I. A., Morais, C., & Monteiro, M. J. (2021). CoAstro citizen science project: Contributions to teaching practices, attitudes and beliefs towards science. ESERA2021, 14th Biannual Conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA), University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, 30 August-3 September 2021.
  • Costa, I., Morais, C., & Monteiro. J. (2021). CoAstro: @n Astronomy Condo – A new citizen science proposal for communicating astronomy with the public. CAP 2021: CAP Conference: Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2021, 24-27 May 2021..
  • Morais, C., Moreira, L., Paiva, J. C., Aguiar, T., Teixeira, A., (2021). Connecting science communication with evaluation: Representations and practices ranging from lay public to science centers. 16th International Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference 2020+1, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland, 24-27 May 2021.


  • Morais, C. (2020). Interdisciplinaridade: contextos e saberes interculturais [Interdisciplinarity: Intercultural contexts and knowledge]. Debate: A interculturalidade na Educaçao em Ciências e Tecnologias no Encontro Internacional “A voz dos professores de C&T” [Debate on interculturality in Science and Technology Education at the International Meeting ‘The Voice of Science and Technology Teachers’], 2020 [Panel members: Alcina Silva (Federal Center for Technological Education ‘Celso Suckow da Fonseca’, Rio de Janeiro – Brazil), Domingos Nzau (Institute of Educational Sciences of Uíge – Angola) and Glória Queiroz (Rio de Janeiro State University – Brazil)]. UTAD, Vila Real, Portugal, 5-7 November 2020.
  • Morais, C. (2020). Combinação de Storytelling e atividades hands-on na educação básica em química [Combination of Storytelling and hands-on activities in basic Chemistry teaching]. II Ciclo de Seminários sobre Ensino de Química [II Seminar Cycle on Chemistry Teaching], Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Triângulo Mineiro – Campus Uberaba – Brazil, 17 June 2020.
  • Morais, C., Moreira, L., Baptista, M., & Martins, I. (2020). Digital Tools Entering the Scene in STEM Activities for Physics Teaching. TECH-EDU 2020 | 2nd International Conference on Technology and Innovation in Learning, Teaching and Education, UTAD, Vila Real, Portugal, 2-4 December 2020.
  • Araújo, J. L., Morais, C., & Paiva, J. (2020). PVC project: teaching chemistry through marine litter context. ICERI2020 – 13th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Seville, Spain, 9-11 November 2020.
  • Morais, C., Atkinson, L., Coelho, A., Jacinto, A., Nóbrega, R., Varzim, M., Paiva, J. C., Moreira, L., Aguiar, T., Teixeira, A., Vieira, J., & Coelho, D. (2020). Immersive virtual reality environments to evaluate audience attitudes about science communication projects: A pilot study of deep-sea ecosystems. UT Austin Portugal’s 2020 Annual Conference: Innovation at the Intersection of Academia and Industry, 7-8 October 2020.
  • Araújo, J. L., Morais, C., & Paiva, J. C. (2020). Teaching chemistry by sampling and analyzing coastal water quality parameters and polluting beach plastics. ECRICE 2020 – 15th European Conference on Research in Chemistry Education – EuCheMS – European Chemical Sciences. Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel,  6-8 July 2020.
  • Vieira, H., & Morais, C. (2020). Analogies between Chemistry and Music: Using the affective dimension of analogies to enhance students’ learning and attitudes towards Chemistry. ECRICE 2020 – 15th European Conference on Research in Chemistry Education – EuCheMS – European Chemical Sciences. Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, 6-8 July 2020.
  • Costa, I. A., Morais, C., & Monteiro, M. J. (2020). CoAstro: @n Astronomy Condo – teachers’ attitudes and epistemological beliefs towards science in a citizen science project. END – Education and New Developments 2020, Zagreb, Croatia, 27-29 June 2020.
  • Rosa, M., Paiva, J. C., Moreira, L. & Morais, C. (2020). Science, religion and teaching: perceptions from a Roman-Catholic context. Epistemic insight and big questions. Lasar Conference. Faculty of Education, Canterbury Christ Church University, United Kingdom, 22-23 June 2020.
  • Silva, T., Morais, C., & Moreira, L. (2020). Second language acquisition educators’ perceptions of mobile devices and professional identity. INTED2020 – 14th Annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, 2-4 March 2020.
  • Costa, I. A., Morais, C., & Monteiro, M. J. (2020). CoAstro: @n Astronomy condo – development of teachers’ knowledge of astronomy through a citizen science project. INTED2020 – 14th Annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, 2-4 March 2020.
  • Monteiro, J., Morais, C., & Carvalhais, M. (2020). Intergenerational Exchanges in Merged Environments: Exploring Narratives of Cultural Identity in Physical and Digital Affinity Spaces. MECCSA 2020 – Media Interactions and Environments, University of Brighton, 8-10 January 2020.


  • Morais, C. (2019). Invited lecture “Chemistry by the letter: Etymology as root and route for science communication”. IUPAC – 47th World Chemistry Congress (Theme: inaugural Chemistry and Society; Symposium: 4.2 – Scientific outreach vs Teaching, Perception and Communication in chemistry), Paris, France, 7-12 July 2019.
  • Morais, C. (2019). Ted-talk style teaser on Environmental challenges (plenary session). Forum on the Future of Learning (organised at the initiative of Tibor Navracsics, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport by the European Commission, DG EAC), Brussels, 24 January 2019.
  • Morais, C. (2019). Presentation of panel key findings and discussion with stakeholders – Environmental Challenges (parallel session). Expert panel members: Anna Rabajczyk, Gabriela Teodorescu, Carla Morais, with participation of Katrina Koppel, Vice-president of European Students’ Union (ESU). Forum on the Future of Learning (organized at the initiative of Tibor Navracsics, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport by the European Commission, DG EAC), Brussels, 24 January 2019.
  • Araújo, J. L., Morais, C., & Paiva, J. C. (2019). A ciência cidadã e as atitudes dos alunos face à disciplina de Físico-Química [Citizen science and students’ attitudes towards the discipline of Chemistry and Physics]. XXV Encontro Galego-Português de Química – Enseñanza de la Química [XXV Galician-Portuguese Meeting on Chemistry – Teaching Chemistry], Portuguese Chemistry Society and Colegio Oficial de Químicos de Galicia (COLQUIGA), City of Culture, Santiago de Compostela, 20-22 November 2019.
  • Vieira, J., Nóbrega, R., Pereira, V., Coelho, A., Jacinto, J., & Morais, C. (2019). Knowledge Analysis Automatic Evaluation in Virtual Reality Immersive Experiences. ICGI 2019 – International Conference on Graphics and Interaction, University of Algarve, Faro, 21-22 November 2019.
  • Simões, R., Morais, C., & Moreira, L. (2019). Multimedia and virtual reality into communication practices of science centers: A social representations perspective. ICERI2019 – 12th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Seville, Spain, 11-13 November 2019.
  • Morais, C., Paiva, J. C., Moreira, L., Aguiar, T., & Teixeira, A. (2019). I SEA project: Challenges from science communication and evaluation methods using virtual reality in non-formal contexts. ICERI2019 – 12th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Seville, Spain, 11-13 November 2019.
  • Morais, C., Paiva, J. C., Moreira, L., Aguiar, T., & Teixeira, A. (2019). Non-invasive and replicable method for evaluating science communication activities: Contributions from I SEA project. VII Congreso de Comunicación Social de la Ciencia [VII Congress on Science Media]. University of Burgos, Spain, 9-11 October 2019.
  • Santos, D., & Morais, C. (2019). Science communication and transmedia: A systematic review of literature headed to a multimedia society. VII Congreso de Comunicación Social de la Ciencia [VII Congress on Science Media]. Burgos, Spain, 9-11 October 2019.
  • Senra, L., Morais, C., & Moreira, L. (2019). Reshuffling virtual reality and science communication: Synergies based on transformational play. 9th International Congress on Technology, Science and Society. Madrid, Spain, 3-4 October 2019.
  • Morais, C., Paiva, J. C., Moreira, L., Teixeira, A., & Aguiar, T. (2019). Discovering social representations of deep sea, virtual reality and science communication: Contributions from the project I SEA. 9th International Congress on Technology, Science and Society. Madrid, Spain, 3-4 October 2019.
  • Morais, C., Atkinson, L., Coelho, A., Jacinto, A., Nóbrega, R., Varzim, M., Paiva, J. C., Moreira, L., Aguiar, T., Teixeira, A., Vieira, J., & Coelho, D. (2019). “Immersive virtual reality environments to evaluate audience attitudes about science communication projects: A pilot study of deep-sea ecosystems”. Annual Conference of the Portugal | UT Austin program, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, 20 September 2019.
  • Morais, C., Paiva, J. C., Moreira, L., Aguiar, T., & Teixeira, A. (2019). Communicating cutting-edge marine science through immersive virtual reality: Contributions from I SEA project. 7th European Marine Science Educators Association Annual Conference, EXPOLAB, São Miguel, Azores, Portugal, 16-20 September 2019.
  • Baptista, M., Freire, S., Fernandes, H., Agostinho, R., & Morais, C. (2019). Let’s go STEM: Its influence on physics’ learning, interest and motivation. ESERA2019, 13th Biannual Conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA), Bologna, Italy, 26-30 August 2019.
  • Araújo, J., Morais, C., & Paiva, J. C. (2019). Chemistry lower secondary students’ attitudes towards environment and marine litter in a context of a citizen science project. IUPAC – 47th World Chemistry Congress (Theme: Chemistry and Education; Symposium: 1. Relation between education and society), Paris, France, 7-12 July 2019.
  • Martins, C., Morais, C., & Moreira, L. (2019). Images of the Moodle: social representations of higher education teachers and students. EDULEARN19 11th Annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. Palma de Maiorca, Spain, 1-3 July 2019.
  • Morais, E., Morais, C., & Paiva, J. C. (2019). Leveraging educational software with exploration guides in higher arts education: the VideoLab simulation case study. END – Education and New Developments 2019, Porto, Portugal, 22-24 June 2019.
  • Morais, E., Morais, C., & Paiva, J. C. (2019). Higher arts and design students’ attitudes towards learning computer programming. END – Education and New Developments 2019, Porto, Portugal, 22-24 June 2019.


  • Morais, C. (2018). Histórias com Química e atividades hands-on: divulgar a química no 1.º ciclo do ensino básico [Stories with Chemistry and hands-on activities: diffusing Chemistry in the 1st cycle of basic teaching]. Seminário Luso-Brasileiro de Divulgaçao Científica. Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, 23 November 2018.
  • Morais, C. (2018). Environmental challenges: Education for Sustainable Development. European Education and Training Expert Panel. European Commission – Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, Brussels, Belgium, 12-13 November 2018.
  • Morais, C. (2018). “Histórias com química”: promovendo a comunicação de ciência para público jovem [“Stories with chemistry”: promoting science communication for a young audience]. International meeting “A voz dos professores de C&T”, 2018 [International meeting ‘The Voice of Science and Technology Teachers’, 2018]. UTAD, Vila Real, Portugal, 8-10 November 2018.
  • Morais, C. (2018). Storytelling with Chemistry and hands-on activities. European Day of Exchange on Chemistry Outreach, 2018. Sète, France, 23-24 May 2018.
  • Morais, E., Morais, C., & Paiva, J. C. (2018). Computer programming acceptance by students in higher arts and design education. ICERI2018 – 11th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Seville, Spain, 12-14 November 2018.
  • Morais, E., Morais, C., & Paiva, J. C. (2018). The perspective of higher arts and design educators on teaching computer programming. ICERI2018 – 11th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Seville, Spain, 12-14 November 2018.
  • Araújo, J. L., Morais, C., & Paiva, J. C. (2018). O potencial pedagógico da ciência cidadã explorado na aula de química através da monitorização da qualidade da água e da presença de microplásticos [The pedagogic potential of citizen science explored in Chemistry class through the monitorization of the quality of water and presence of microplastics]. VPCT2018 – A voz dos professores de C&T Encontro Internacional [VPCT2018 – The Voice of Science and Technology Teachers, International Meeting], UTAD, Vila Real, Portugal, 8-10 November 2018.
  • Morais, C., Paiva, J. C., & Moreira, L. (2018). Bridging scholars and practitioners: Towards a network based on chemistry teachers’ needs. ECRICE 2018 – 14th European Conference on Research in Chemistry Education – EuCheMS – European Chemical Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, 2-6 September 2018.
  • Morais, C., Araújo, J. L., Oliveira, S., & Moreira, L. (2018). Chemistry in a primary school: storytelling and hand-on activities about water. ECRICE 2018 – 14th European Conference on Research in Chemistry Education – EuCheMS – European Chemical Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, 2-6 September 2018.
  • Teixeira, A., Morais, C., & Moreira, L. (2018). Digital infographics on marine litter: Social representations and science communication. EduLearn 2018, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2-4 July 2018.
  • Mota, J., Morais, C., & Moreira, L. (2018). Multimedia in science teaching: Bridging scholars and science educators. EduLearn 2018, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2-4 July 2018.
  • Morais, C., Paiva, J. C., & Moreira, L. (2018). Learning effects of different digital-based approaches in chemistry: A quasi-experimental assessment. TECH-EDU 2018 | 1st International Conference on Technology and Innovation in Learning, Teaching and Education, Thessaloniki, Greece, 20-22 June 2018.


  • Vilela, M., & Morais, C. (2023). A abordagem de Inquiry no ensino secundário da Química. Gases na atmosfera – essenciais ou poluentes? XX Encontro Nacional de Educação em Ciências (XX ENEC), Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, 18-20 de janeiro de 2024.
  • Silva, N., Paiva, J. C., & Morais, C. (2023). Perceção de alunos e pais sobre os benefícios e os riscos da nanotecnologia no contexto da disciplina de Físico-Química. XX Encontro Nacional de Educação em Ciências (XX ENEC), Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, 18-20 de janeiro de 2024.
  • Viera, H., & Morais, C. (2023). Ensino de tópicos do modelo quântico do átomo a alunos do Ensino Básico por analogia com a música. XX Encontro Nacional de Educação em Ciências (XX ENEC), Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, 18-20 de janeiro de 2024.
  • Araújo, J., & Morais, C. (2023). A Educação STEM em Química: uma abordagem colaborativa para a realização de atividades laboratoriais à distância. XX Encontro Nacional de Educação em Ciências (XX ENEC), Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, 18-20 de janeiro de 2024.
  • Morais, C., Aguiar, T., & Moreira, L. (2023). Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável – estudos de caso e design hubs no desenvolvimento de um curso de formação de professores. XX Encontro Nacional de Educação em Ciências (XX ENEC), Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, 18-20 de janeiro de 2024
  • Santos, D., Morais, C., & Zagalo, N. (2023). O desenvolvimento de um videojogo com cientistas sobre nanopartículas para transporte de fármacos [The development of a video game with scientists about nanoparticles for drug transportation]. 4.º Encontro Nacional de Ciência Cidadã (ENCC2023), Coimbra, Portugal, 27-28 de novembro de 2023.
  • Costa, I., & Morais, C. (2023). A ciência cidadã como via para a democratização do acesso à ciência contemporânea [Citizen science as a way of democratizing access to contemporary science]. 4.º Encontro Nacional de Ciência Cidadã (ENCC2023), Coimbra, Portugal, 27-28 de novembro de 2023.
  • Ferreira, A. C., Almeida, M. S., & Morais, C. (2023). Perceção pública sobre a COVID-19 e a vacinação contra a doença, nacionalmente [Public perception of COVID-19 and vaccination against the disease in the national context]. Congresso da Rede de Comunicação de Ciência e Tecnologia de Portugal – SciCom Pt 2023, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Bragança, Portugal, 3-5 de maio de 2023.
  • Ferreira, A. C., Almeida, M. S., & Morais, C. (2023). Em torno das representações da divulgação de ciência sobre a vacinação contra a COVID-19 em notícias do jornal Público [Around the representations of science communication about the vaccination against COVID-19 in news from the Público newspaper]. XII Congresso Português de Sociologia, Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 4-6 April 2023.


  • Moreira, L. (2022). Tecnologias na Educação em Ciências e Matemática. I Congresso Internacional de Educação em Ciências e Matemática – II Simpósio do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Em Ciências e Matemática. Mesa redonda.


  • Costa, I., Morais, C., & Monteiro, M. J. (2021). Ciência cidadã em contexto escolar: De uma técnica investigativa a um método de ensino e comunicação de ciência – Um exemplo nacional [Citizen science in school context: From a research technique to a science teaching and communication method – A national example]. 3.º Encontro Nacional de Ciência Cidadã [3rd National Meeting on Citizen Science], 25-26 November 2021.
  • Araújo, J. L., Saúde, I., Morais, C., & Paiva, J. C. (2021). A descoberta do benzeno: Alguns alavancamentos históricos e epistemológicos para o ensino da química [Discovering benzene: Some historic and epistomologic contributions for Chemistry teaching]. 1.º Encontro Nacional de História da Química da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química [1st National Meeting on History of Chemistry – Portuguese Chemistry Society], 17-18 September 2021.
  • Araújo, J. L., Morais, C., & Paiva, J. C. (2021). Projeto educacional de ciência cidadã PVC e mudanças de atitudes face à ciência de rapazes e raparigas [PVC educational project with citizen science and changes of attitude regarding science in boys and girls]. XIX ENEC – Encontro Nacional de Educação em Ciências | IV ISSE – International Seminar on Science Education [XIX ENEC – National Meeting on Science Teaching | IV ISSE – International Seminar on Science Education], 16-18 September 2021.
  • Morais, C., Paiva, J. C., Araújo, J. L., Vieira, H., Soares, M., & Moreira, L., (2021) “Química ao pé da letra”: O encontro das palavras com o ensino e a divulgação da química [“Chemistry by the letter”: When words meet Chemistry teaching and communication]. XXVII Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química [XXVII National Meeting of the Portuguese Chemistry Society], Portuguese Chemistry Society, 14-16 July 2021.
  • Santos, D., Morais, C., & Zagalo, N. (2021). A química em No Man’s Sky: Pilotar naves, minerar planetas e descobrir que sal e sódio não são a mesma coisa [Chemistry in No Man’s Sky: Flying ships, mining planets and discovering that salt and sodium are not the same thing]. 9.º Congresso da Rede de Comunicação de Ciência e Tecnologia de Portugal – SciCom Pt 2021 – Velhos desafios, novas ameaças: Comunicar a incerteza e combater a desinformação [9th Congress of the Portuguese Network of Science and Technology Communication – SciCom Pt 2021 – Old challenges, new threats: Communicating uncertainty and fighting misinformation], 23-25 June 2021.
  • Costa, I., Morais, C., & Monteiro, M. (2021). A ciência cidadã como método de comunicação de ciência: O caso do projeto CoAstro [Citizen science as a method to communicate science: The case of CoAstro project]. 9.º Congresso da Rede de Comunicação de Ciência e Tecnologia de Portugal – SciCom Pt 2021 – Velhos desafios, novas ameaças: comunicar a incerteza e combater a desinformação [9th Congress of the Portuguese Network of Science and Technology Communication – SciCom Pt 2021 – Old challenges, new threats: Communicating uncertainty and fighting misinformation], 23-25 June 2021.


  • Costa, A., Morais, C., & Monteiro, M. (2020). CoAstro: @n Astronomy Condo – Research and science communication in a Portuguese citizen science project. XXX National Meeting of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Porto, 9-11 September 2020.
  • Morais, C., Paiva, J. C., Moreira, L., Aguiar, T., & Teixeira, A. (2020). Comunicação de ciência e mar profundo: Perceções, conhecimentos e atitudes do público português [Science communication and deep sea: Perceptions, knowledge and attitudes from the Portuguese public]. 8.º Congresso da Rede de Comunicação de Ciência e Tecnologia de Portugal – SciCom Pt 2020 – Comunicação de Ciência: Do Mar ao Espaço [8th Congress of the Portuguese Network of Science and Technology Communication – SciCom Pt 2019 – Science Communication: From Sea to Space], Nonagon, Lagoa, São Miguel, Azores, 7-8 May 2020.
  • Santos, D., & Morais, C. (2020). Caracterização dos processos de comunicação de ciência nas unidades de investigação em Portugal [Characterization of science communication processes in Portuguese research units].  8.º Congresso da Rede de Comunicação de Ciência e Tecnologia de Portugal – SciCom Pt 2020 – Comunicação de Ciência: Do Mar ao Espaço [8th Congress of the Portuguese Network of Science and Technology Communication – SciCom Pt 2019 – Science Communication: From Sea to Space], Nonagon, Lagoa, São Miguel, Azores, 7-8 May 2020.
  • Costa, I., Morais, C., & Monteiro, M. (2020). CoAstro: Um Condomínio de Astronomi@ – Uma nova proposta para a ciência cidadã [COASTRO: A condominium of astronomy – A new proposal for citizen science].  8.º Congresso da Rede de Comunicação de Ciência e Tecnologia de Portugal – SciCom Pt 2020 – Comunicação de Ciência: Do Mar ao Espaço [8th Congress of the Portuguese Network of Science and Technology Communication – SciCom Pt 2019 – Science Communication: From Sea to Space], Nonagon, Lagoa, São Miguel, Azores, 7-8 May 2020.
  • Araújo, J. L., Morais, C., & Paiva, J. C. (2020). Citizen science in the chemistry class: monitoring coastal water physicochemical parameters to assess students’ attitudes towards chemistry. II WORKSHOP MEETING – CIQUP, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, 22 February 2020.
  • Morais, C., Paiva, J. C., Moreira, L., Teixeira, A. & Aguiar, T. (2020). Science communication and evaluation through immersive virtual reality: contributions from I SEA project. II WORKSHOP MEETING – CIQUP, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, 22 February 2020.


  • Araújo, J. L., Morais, C., & Paiva, J. C. (2019). Projeto PVC: Um projeto de ciência cidadã para a promoção de atitudes positivas face à Química e a problemáticas ambientais [PVC Project: A project of citizen science to promote positive attitudes towards Chemistry and environmental issues]. 2.º Encontro Nacional de Ciência Cidadã [2nd National Meeting on Citizen Science], Lisbon Academy of Sciences, Lisbon, 24-25 October 2019.
  • Morais, C., Paiva, J. C., Moreira, L., Aguiar, T., & Teixeira, A. (2019). Avaliação e comunicação de ciência: Contribuições do projeto I SEA [Science communication and evaluation: Contributions from the I SEA project]. XVIII Encontro Nacional de Educação em Ciências (XVIII ENEC) [XVIII National Meeting on Science Education (XVIII ENEC)], Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, 5-7 September 2019. Link
  • Morais, C., Paiva, J. C., Moreira, L., Aguiar, T., & Teixeira, A. (2019). Perspetivas de integraçao do módulo I SEA em centros Ciência Viva [Perspectives of integration of the I SEA module in Ciência Viva centres]. XVIII Encontro Nacional de Educação em Ciências (XVIII ENEC) [XVIII National Meeting on Science Education (XVIII ENEC)], Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, 5-7 September 2019. Link
  • Costa, I., Morais, C., & Monteiro, M. (2019). COASTRO: Um condomínio de astronomi@ – Práticas de divulgação científica pelos astrónomos [COASTRO: A condominium of astronomy – Practices of scientific communication for astronomers]. XVIII Encontro Nacional de Educação em Ciências (XVIII ENEC) [XVIII National Meeting on Science Education (XVIII ENEC)], Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, 5-7 September 2019. Link
  • Morais, C., Moreira, L., Paiva, J. C., Soares, M., Araújo, J. L., & Vieira, H. (2019). “Química ao pé da letra”: Das raízes etimológicas às oportunidades de multidisciplinaridade e divulgação científica [‘Chemistry by the letter’: From etymological roots to opportunities of multidisciplinarity and scientific communication]. XXVI Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química [XXVI National Meeting of the Portuguese Chemistry Society], Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto, 24-26 July 2019.
  • Faria, J., Morais, C., & Ribeiro, V. (2019). Comunicação de Ciência para Audiências Não Especializadas [Communicating Science to Non-Specialized Audiences]. 7.º Congresso da Rede de Comunicação de Ciência e Tecnologia de Portugal – SciCom Pt 2019 [7th Congress of the Portuguese Network of Science and Technology Communication – SciCom Pt 2019], University of Aveiro and Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva de Aveiro, 30-31 May 2019.
  • Morais, C. (2019). Storytelling e atividades hands-on na comunicação da química para público jovem [Storytelling and hands-on activities in chemistry communication for a young audience]. Encontro de Ensino e Divulgação da Química da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química [Meeting on Chemistry Teaching and Communication of the Portuguese Chemistry Society], Escola Secundária Avelar Brotero, Coimbra, 16 November 2019. Link
  • Morais, C. (2019). “Qualificação e Inovação – Aprender: um desígnio económico e social e digital” [“Qualification and Innovation – Learning: An economic, social and digital plan”]. Fórum Futurália “Qualificações e emprego: o que (vou) fazer no digital? (2.º Painel)” [Fórum Futurália “Qualifications and work: what to do in digital? (2nd Panel)”], PT Meeting Centre – Lisbon Exhibition and Congress Centre (FIL), 4 April 2019.


  • Araújo, J. L., Morais, C., & Paiva, J. C. (2018). A ciência cidadã na aula de Química: um estudo das águas costeiras para monitorização da sua qualidade e da presença de microplásticos [Citizen science in Chemistry class: a study of coastal waters for monitorization of its quality and presence of microplastics]. IV Encontro em Ensino e Divulgação das Ciências [IV Meeting on Science Education and Communication], Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, 6-7 July 2018.